Growing bromeliads
With striking shapes and bold colours and patterns, they add vibrancy to any garden.
In your garden, indoor or outdoor, bromeliads will always bring happiness. Easy to care for, adaptable to low light, part sun or full sun and with very low water requirements, they are a must have for anyone from the experienced gardener to the brown thumb.
Bromeliads (broms) are native to the Central and South America regions, with species found throughout this part of the planet, stretching from Mexico to Argentina. They naturally inhabit moist mountain forests, but have also adapted to dry desert conditions.
Throughout their native habitat broms have been used by Incas, Maya and Aztec peoples for food, protection, fibre and ceremony. The pineapple is the most easily recognisable member of the bromeliad family that is used for food.
In your garden, indoor or outdoor, broms will always bring happiness. Easy to care for, adaptable to low light, part sun or full sun and with very low water requirements, they are a must have for anyone from the experienced gardener to the brown thumb.
Simple tips:
Bromeliads enjoy a morning sun, filtered sun position outside and a bright light situation indoors. The Alcantarea species has a number of varieties, giants, that will grow in full sun in our area and make excellent container or in ground feature plants.
Many varieties will loose colour if they are exposed to full sun throughout the day.
They thrive in humid conditions but need good air circulation. Always try and keep the ‘cup’ of the plant with water in it but avoid over watering.
Scale and mealybugs are problem pests for bromeliads. Use a safe systemic insecticide such as Conquer as a drench or spray to help. DONT use white oil on bromeliads. It will kill them.
If mosquitoes become a problem, flush the cups of the plants weekly.